Thursday, January 9, 2014

Green Thumb

I have never had a green thumb. After killing the indoor hydrangea my mother gave me two years ago, I have been gently nursing it back to heath through careful neglect. I have been pretty accepting of my unfortunate kiss of death for plant life, but with all the winter's cold I have been really craving some green life at home. I started out by attempting to root some trimmings given to me by a coworker. No pressure, just stuck them in a cup of water to see what happened. After a month or so I finally transplanted them, and took another baby step in replacing the air plant Noodle had eaten last summer.

My cousin, fully aware of my inability to care for plants, had given it to me for Christmas in an adorable elephant holder. It was the one thing I had managed to keep alive, until the le petit diable ate it and tried to stick Zoey with the blame. Our kitchen puts off enough moisture to keep it alive, but we don't get have a safe place for the elephant. So with a little faux macramé, I hung it above the sink. Days went by, and both plants still lived.

In a blaze of glory set off to purchase four new succulents! $4 each, and thriving on neglect, I planted them in some cute candle holders from Target and scattered them about the house.

While my hydrangea is still a bit touch and go, she is still green and producing new leaves. With the others alive as well, winter feels a little more bearable. Maybe by next winter I can graduate to some larger houseplants...if I can be trusted.